Does a partner have to work? | Partner Work Methodology

Does a partner have to work? | Partner Work Methodology

Of course not.

Have you signed the partnership agreement? Great.

Told your friends that you had discovered partner business with SOLARGROUP? That's awesome.

A partner program is not a job. You don't have to do anything.

❗ And the checklist says that a partner works.

Let's have a look at it. The checklist says: subscribe, watch, schedule, select. Actually, you will "work" if you want a better result, if you would like your partner business to bring you passive income. You work, upgrade your status, and get passive income.

What is meant by the word "work"? You don't have bosses, you act in your own interests and achieve your goals. Here, if you work:

• You invite. Another person to invest in or do what you did: sign the partnership agreement.
• You show. Your actions to another person. What you have done to encourage the invitee to invest or sign the partnership agreement.
• You improvise. In the back office, there is the "For Partners" section. It offers several free tools and even training content. Try to apply it. The result will come!

❓ Where can I find it?

Right here. It's called "Partner Work Methodology". You're not the first partner who wouldn't like to work. And we've laid it out for you how to earn with almost no investment of your resources.

Haven't read it yet?